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How long has Firm360 been in business?
Where is Firm360 hosted?
How secure is my data stored in Firm360?
How do we know if Firm360 will work for us?
Does Firm360 provide support?
What is the level of effort to switch to Firm360?
How do I get my client list into Firm360?
Can I add new users if my firm grows in the future?
Is there a limit to the number of clients my firm can have, and if so, will I be charged extra if we exceed that limit?
Do you charge additional fees for your client portal?
Can I adjust the access levels for my employees?
Can I control which documents I want my clients to have access to?
Can I track non-billable time?
Can I setup recurring projects that start automatically?
Can I edit documents right from Firm360?
Can I set up monthly fixed fee clients?
Can I send out invoices and collect payments through Firm360?
Can multiple team members work on a project together?
Can I see all of the projects and tasks my team is working on?
Does Firm360 integrate with any accounting software?
Does Firm360 integrate with my email?
What other integrations does Firm360 have?