David tells us about his firm's experience switching to Firm360
Testimonial - David Bradsher
Testimonial - David Bradsher
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0:03 all right David hey thanks for um
0:05 letting me talk to you
0:08 um you started using firm 360 on August
0:12 um 2022. at that time about how big was
0:15 your firm
0:16 yeah we are 31 people and we do work
0:21 with about 150 small business and
0:24 non-profit clients around the country
0:25 doing outsourced accounting
0:27 um newspaper four million dollars in
0:29 Revenue
0:30 okay
0:32 all right
0:33 and what software we're using at the
0:35 time
0:36 we were using a combination of a couple
0:38 of different tools one was account first
0:41 a document management system a homegrown
0:45 kind of CRM database built into Quick
0:48 base and then you know mix of
0:50 spreadsheets and and other tools to
0:52 right to kind of the mailing list and
0:55 all that and
0:57 um yeah so that's that's kind of where
0:58 we started from okay and what problems
1:02 were you trying to solve when you first
1:04 started talking with us your biggest our
1:07 biggest issue number one was replacing
1:09 the document management system that we
1:11 had the company was going out of
1:13 business but we'd always had this vision
1:15 of having you know kind of one place to
1:17 go for the majority of our client
1:19 information
1:21 um almost uh you know like
1:23 sales companies have in CRM systems we
1:25 sell firm 360 as a way to you know kind
1:28 of have one version of the truth that
1:30 documented everything about a client in
1:32 our relationship with them that's
1:34 awesome that's awesome you know with
1:37 that being said how has firm 360 helped
1:40 your business
1:41 well it's it's really been wonderful to
1:44 to have that place where we were able to
1:47 pull in you know data from two or three
1:50 different systems and then you know
1:52 almost from day one be able to operate
1:54 as a CRM we're still working through
1:57 things and I think you know like I I
1:59 always think that with big system
2:01 changes like this change is hard for
2:02 people and you really just have to have
2:05 some Champions and we had a couple that
2:08 were you know really trying to be kind
2:11 of thought leaders around how we
2:12 implement the software and someone
2:14 inside could be the champion for the
2:16 software and that helped us a lot but I
2:18 think that
2:19 um
2:20 you know right now it's just it's just
2:22 wonderful to be able to go to one place
2:23 and
2:24 um you know me not being involved in the
2:26 day-to-day of a client relationship and
2:28 then see what's happened through the
2:30 activity see the emails to see the the
2:32 project status it's really nice that's
2:34 awesome so what would you say to another
2:37 firm who
2:40 um is thinking about switching to firm
2:41 360.
2:43 well it was a wonderful process for us
2:45 both you know the software is is is
2:47 wonderful
2:49 um you guys are very open to feedback
2:52 and to make changes or additions to the
2:54 to the software and then the
2:56 implementation was wonderful we we were
2:59 um you led it for our firm and
3:02 um it was uh you know very very painless
3:05 um very smooth yeah um so I think um I
3:09 think that you know
3:11 and thinking back on it
3:13 um I would say just jump into it you
3:16 know
3:17 um really
3:18 um have someone in your office as a
3:20 champion but
3:22 um you know make everybody understand
3:24 how this is going to help them and and
3:26 do their jobs because it will definitely
3:28 increase the communications around your
3:30 firm really uh speak to the value that
3:33 um you're gonna get from it to help your
3:35 your team understand
3:38 well that's really great to hear David I
3:40 appreciate that and uh thanks for
3:42 letting me talk with you sure and the
3:45 software more it's a it's a great tool
3:47 and a great team I think that's as
3:48 important as anything you guys are a
3:51 great team to work with and we feel like
3:52 you're part of our team oh that's
3:54 awesome because we definitely feel like
3:56 our firm 360 Community is part of our
3:59 team so absolutely well thank you so
4:02 much sure absolutely